Thursday, April 26, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 manual leak

Samsung's unprecedented secrecy about the Galaxy S3 has paid off so far, despite that the days that ramp up to its May 3 unveiling saw a fair amount of leaks. 

We still haven't seen the design, but the latest unauthorized report today is a page derived from the service manual on a Samsung GT-I9300, which shows a render with a physical home button, just as rumored. A 4.8" Super AMOLED screen is listed, of the MIPI (C-type) variety, which allegedly means an HD RGB Super AMOLED.

The specs reveal an 8MP camera, like what we saw on the early GT-I9300 prototype last week, which, however, coincided with the f/2.6 aperture of the module on the Galaxy S II, so things could have changed since December when that prototype was made.

The tipsters indeed hint that this service manual is a very early version, so hopefully the camera will be the 12MP shooter that Amazon Germany and AnTuTu ranking charts are listing. The quad-core Exynos 4412 that will be in the Galaxy S3 has a proprietary Image Signal Processor, as illustrated on Samsung's Exynos blog, so we keep our hopes high on that front.


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